Special Appeal Continues – Situation in Iraq Worsens

Published on June 30, 2014

Further to our Appeal for help for Assyrians living in Iraq, we continue to request your urgent assistance as the crisis in Iraq worsens.

The Information evening held by Assyrian Aid Society -Australia in conjunction with Assyrian Democratic Movement (Zowaa, Sydney, Australia) at Assyrian Sports and Cultural Club on 22 June 2014 was an absolute success! We were touched by the generosity and kindness of Assyrians and non-Assyrians in support of this most worthy cause. We would like to thank all who attended the evening and donated so graciously and our sincere gratitude go to all who have donated through AAS-Au website. Your kindness will not be forgotten.

Sadly, the situation in Iraq worsens and our people continue to need your help, now more so than ever. Our Appeal for your help continues.

Each family fleeing their homes in Iraq and taking refuge in nearby cities/towns requires approximately $100 each week to survive. Please spare whatever you can each week to assist with the ongoing needs of these Assyrian families.

You can provide immediate assistance to our people fleeing from Nineveh (Mosul) and other cities and towns in North Iraq by making a donation as follows:

• By credit card or direct deposit via AAS-Au website: www.assyrianaidsociety.org

• Alternatively, please mail cheques, payable to Assyrian Society Australia, to PO Box W144 Fairfield West 2165.

For further information about how you can help and make a difference, please contact Nenos Shemoon AAS-Au treasurer on +61 408 965 763, Please support our people in Iraq.

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Help us to Help them.

Help us build a better future for Assyrian people.

In 2020, 91 cents of each dollar donated to AAS-AU went directly to humanitarian projects.