AAS participating, at the United Nations 13th Session Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is held each Spring at the United Nations headquarters in New York. In 2012& 2013, Assyrian Aid Society –Iraq (AAS-I) participated in the 11th& 12thSessions of thePermanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. This is the third Forum that AAS has had the opportunity to participatesince AAS-I was granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations ECOSOC in 2011. Each year, a theme is chosenand this year, the special theme is“Principles of Good Governance consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”
AAS-I was given the opportunity to deliver a speech on 13 May 2014 during the 13thsession. Ms. Nora Michael presented the statement on behalf of Mr Ashur Ezkrya, President of AAS-I. Additionally, the delegates in attendance, Ms Nora Michael and Ms Shoushan Tower,represented our culture bywearing traditional Assyrian clothing to mark this special presentation.
Warm wishes and congratulations were received from many other indigenous groups at the ECOSOC Forum.
The delegates, Ms Michael and Ms Tower, will be joined in week two of the Forum by a delegate from AAS-America, Ms Mona Malik.
We hope that our continued presence at ECOSOC will promote awareness of AAS as a non-government organisation, and, encouragemeaningful dialogue with the Iraqi Member State through forums hosted by the United Nations.
To view the speech delivered, go to the following link: http://webtv.un.org/meetings-events/index.php/watch/3rd-meeting-permanent-forum-on-indigenous-issues-thirteenth-session-12-23-may-2014/3563929552001
The speech will commence at 2.35